Friday, November 30, 2012

Been Denied and You're afraid to try Again?

Believe it or not, denial is just part of the music process. But sometimes people get denied for things they shouldn't be and it really puts a damper on your self-esteem and how you feel about your talent.

For me, I've been denied for multiple different times, not because I don't have the talent but because of my wight; yes I'm morbidly obese.

When I was a sophomore in high school I tried out for the elite music group. Although I thought my audition went amazing, but I didn't get into the group.

Determined to show that I belonged I started to do everything I could to improve myself vocally. While at my last concert for the school year, my grandpa decided to ask my teacher what else I could do to help me improve and he heard the worst news ever.... I was discriminated against because of my weight.

The teacher in charge of the audition denied me because she was worried they wouldn't be able to find a dress in my size... the only problem with her answer is the dresses are specially made to fit anyway.

When I heard the news all I wouldn't to do was give up... How could I be discriminated against because of my weight with my amazing talent?

I fought back. Instead of not doing anything about the situation I fought back. No one, and I mean NO ONE deserves to be discriminated against when they have talent.

My family was supporting me 100% in my decision to fight back. While moving our way through talking to the school officials in the district the hardest one to persuade was the principle,  but it didn't take very long for him to change his mind. He heard me sing a solo at the Christmas concert, Where are you Christmas, and that's all he needed to change his mind. He pulled me aside to apologize and tell me I have his full support. Soon after the teacher was forced to resign and the end of the year and all of sudden other students were stepping up and saying they were discriminated against as well.

If I would have given up I would have never been seen as a talented person. I do not regret my decision in any way. Although I still have to deal with discrimination today I'm handling it a lot better knowing that people support me.

Never give up on your talent, if you do you'll never know what could have been.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice to never give up, rejection is hard, but there is always something else out there!
